Jul 17 – 21, 2023
Hörsaalzentrum Unteres Schloss
Europe/Berlin timezone

Meson and baryon spectroscopy with charm quarks from lattice QCD

Jul 18, 2023, 11:00 AM
US-C 116 (Hörsaalzentrum Unteres Schloss)

US-C 116

Hörsaalzentrum Unteres Schloss

US-C, Kölner Str. 41, 57072 Siegen
invited plenary talk Plenary


Dr Sara Collins (University of Regensburg)


Spectroscopy studies on the lattice can provide valuable
insights through the investigation of states that are not well established experimentally, through the prediction of new states and by testing theoretical descriptions. The internal structure of these states can, in principle, be probed by determining their decay constants, form factors and so on. Mesons and baryons containing heavy quarks are actively being investigated, mirroring the large number of exotic hadrons discovered in this sector. I review recent lattice studies of hadrons containing charm quarks including non-standard states.

Consent I do not consent to recording/broadcasting of my presentation.

Primary author

Dr Sara Collins (University of Regensburg)

Presentation materials