17–21 Jun 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Exploring semileptonic $B_s -> D_s^*$ decays

19 Jun 2024, 09:30


Anastasia Boushmelev (University of Siegen)


Semileptonic $B_{(s)}$ decays are of great phenomenological interest and allow to extract the CKM matrix elements or test lepton flavor universality.
We explore $B_{(s)}$ decays with vector final states by studying $B_s\to D_s^*$ using the narrow width approximation. Taking advantage of existing data we present first results for the form factors using our setup based on RBC-UKQCD's 2+1 flavor domain-wall fermion and Iwasaki gauge field action. Light quarks are simulated with domain-wall fermions, whereas bottom quarks are simulated with the relativistic heavy quark (RHQ) action.

Primary authors

Anastasia Boushmelev (University of Siegen) Matthew Black (University Siegen) Oliver Witzel (Universität Siegen)

Presentation materials