17–21 Jun 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Optimized Observables in non-leptonic decays

21 Jun 2024, 10:00


Aritra Biswas (Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies Barcelona)


We study the penguin-mediated $\bar{B}_{d(s)}\to K^{(*)0}\bar{K}^{(*)0}$ and $\bar{B}_{d(s)}\to\bar{K}^{*0}(K^{*0})\phi$ transitions. We propose optimised observables $L_{K^(*)\bar{K}^(*)}$, $L_{K^*\phi}$ from the ratio of longitudinal branching ratios of these decays, with limited hadronic uncertainties and enhanced sensitivity to New Physics. $L_{K^{(*)}\bar{K}^{(*)}}$ deviates at the $2.4\sigma$ ($2.6\sigma$) level while $L_{K^*\phi}$ exhibits a deviation at the $1.48\, \sigma$ level between its experimental value and its SM determination within QCD factorisation. These results can be accommodated together, if New Physics is assumed to affect either the QCD penguin operator $Q_4$ or the chromomagnetic dipole operator $Q_{8g}$ for both $b\to d$ and $b\to s$ transitions. The allowed range for the Wilson coefficients $C_{4s,8gs}$ is narrower compared to $C_{4d,8gd}$ since the $b\to s$ transition $\bar{B}_d\to\bar{K}^{*0}\phi$ is in better agreement with the SM. If we add the measured branching ratio for the $\bar{B}_{d}\to \bar{K}^{0}\phi$ to our analysis, the simultaneous explanation of all the experimental data for the $K^{(*)}\bar{K}^{(*)}$ and the $K^*(\bar{K}^{(*)})\phi$ channels in terms of New Physics in $C_{4d,s}$ or $C_{8gd,s}$ operators only becomes very constrained. This set of observables can be explained more easily if we assume New Physics either in $(C_{4f},C_{6f})$ or $(C_{6f},C_{8gf})$ in both $f=d,s$. This should provide a strong incentive for the LHCb experiment to perform a measurement of the branching ratios of $\bar{B}_{d}\to\bar{K}^{(*)0}\phi$ and an improved measurement for the branching ratio of $\bar{B}_s\to K^{*0}\phi$

Primary authors

Aritra Biswas (Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies Barcelona) GIlberto Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi (Siegen/Orsay) Prof. Joaquim Matias Prof. Sebastien Descotes-Genon

Presentation materials