17–21 Jun 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

ATLAS B-physics highlights from Run2/3 and strategies for HL-LHC

18 Jun 2024, 15:30


Maria Smizanska (Lancaster University)


ATLAS B-physics analysis exploit low and medium momenta leptons and hadrons, combined in trigger signatures, adapting with levels of instantaneous luminosity during LHC spills. The dedicated trigger strategies over Run2 and Run3 lead to collect data allowing high precision tests of HF phenomena, covering: rare decays, high precision measurements in CKM favoured B-hadron decays and HF production mechanisms in central p-p LHC collisions. ATLAS has prepared trigger and offline strategies to continue B-physics program in HL-LHC and to benefit from upgraded ATLAS detector.

Primary author

Maria Smizanska (Lancaster University)

Presentation materials