Jul 17 – 21, 2023
Hörsaalzentrum Unteres Schloss
Europe/Berlin timezone

Inclusive production of J/ψ, ψ(2S), and Υ states in pNRQCD

Jul 18, 2023, 3:20 PM
US-C 105 (Hörsaalzentrum Unteres Schloss)

US-C 105

Hörsaalzentrum Unteres Schloss

US-C, Kölner Str. 41, 57072 Siegen
contributed parallel talk spectroscopy Parallel B


Xiangpeng Wang (Technische Universität München)


Under some assumptions on the hierarchy of relevant energy scales, we compute the nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) long-distance matrix elements (LDMEs) for inclusive production of J/ψ, ψ(2S), and Υ states based on the potential NRQCD (pNRQCD) effective field theory. Based on the pNRQCD formalism, we obtain expressions for the LDMEs in terms of the quarkonium wavefunctions at the origin and universal gluonic correlators, which do not depend on the heavy quark flavor or the radial excitation. This greatly reduces the number of nonperturbative unknowns and substantially enhances the predictive power of the nonrelativistic effective field theory formalism. We obtain improved determinations of the LDMEs for J/ψ, ψ(2S), and Υ states thanks to the universality of the gluonic correlators, and obtain phenomenological results for cross sections and polarizations at large transverse momentum that agree well with measurements at the LHC.

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Primary authors

Prof. Antonio Vairo (Technische Universität München) Dr Heesok Chung Prof. Nora Brambilla (Technische Universität München) Xiangpeng Wang (Technische Universität München)

Presentation materials