3–13 Sept 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Herbstschule HEP will take place at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef from Sept. 03. - 13. 2024. Participation is by invitation only. To register, please follow the invitation link send by email. No local indico account is required for registration. In case of questions, please contact: mlaach@physik.uni-siegen.de

General Information

This event mainly addresses PhD students in the field of theoretical and experimental high energy physics. The Herbstschule HEP is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Reseach (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)).

Main lectures

  • Standard Model precision physics (4h) 
    Kirill Melnikov (KIT)
  • Higgs and electroweak physics at the LHC (4h)  
    Marumi Kado (MPI)
  • QCD and jets at the LHC (4h)  
    Peter Uwer (HU Berlin)
  • Physics beyond the Standard Model (4h) 
    Matthew McCullough (CERN)
  • Flavour Physics (3h) 
    Marco Gersabeck (U Manchester)
  • Dark Matter (3h) 
    Felix Kahlhoefer (KIT)
  • Quantum Computing (3h)
    Lena Funcke (Bonn)
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef Hauptstraße 5 53604 Bad Honnef Germany