CPPS seminars

Boosting precision measurements using jet substructure

by Chris Malena Delitzsch (TU Dortmund)



Studying the internal structure (substructure) of jets, collimated sprays of charged and neutral hadrons, has become an essential tool for the current physics program at the Large Hadron Collider. In its early stages, jet substructure techniques were mostly developed to distinguish jets coming from the hadronic decay of heavy objects (e.g. top quark or W/Z boson) from quark- and gluon-initiated jets to increase the sensitivity of searches for physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics.  Nowadays, jet substructure is also used to measure the Standard Model across a wide range of scales with utmost precision and to gain a deeper understanding of parton showers and hadronization. This seminar will focus on the latest advances in jet reconstruction and jet substruture techniques in ATLAS. Different jet substructure measurements will be presented, including a discussion of the experimental challenges and developments. 
Organised by

Eleonora Guido