TP1 seminars

Perturbative Calculations for Light Quark-Flavour Physics

by Martin Gorbahn (Liverpool U.)



Flavour changing processes of light quarks test the Standard Model and
its extensions. The measurement of charged current processes provides
an electroweak precision test of the Standard Model through the
unitarity of the CKM matrix, while flavour changing neutral currents
are sensitive to flavour and CP violating new physics at very high
scales. Progress in calculations that interface non-perturbative
Lattice methods and perturbation theory allows for ever tighter
constraints on physics beyond the standard model. In this talk, I will
discuss these perturbative calculations and schemes conversions to the
the Lattice. I will discuss the extraction of $V_{ud}$ and $V_{us}$
from charged current processes and also present calculations that
improve the Standard Model predictions for $\varepsilon_K$ and $K \to \pi \bar{\nu} \nu$.